Friday, February 4, 2011

La Butte de Montmartre

Bonjour tout le monde!

I guess I have a little catching up to do. Since I last wrote, I've been on a guided tour of the Louvre. It was a good introduction to the museum, but we passed by so many things I would like to have spent more time with. It turns out students get in for free, so you know I'll be going back several times. Yesterday, I returned to Notre Dame to see the interior and then went down into the crypt where remains of an ancient Roman city have been uncovered.

Today, I found out who my family is and where they live. I'll be living in a suburb to the North of the city named Asnieres. The de Vilmorins have four boys (so I'm sure the mother likes having a female student around), but only one lives at home and he is about Ben's age (16). One is studying at Versailles, and the other two live in different parts of France. They have a dog, and according to my information sheet they live in a large house. There will be several other students in my program living in my suburb and other nearby suburbs. The familly will be coming to pick me up Sunday morning!

Sacre Coeur
  After finding out about our families this morning, we took a walking tour through Montmartre. Montmartre is in the northern part of the city and is the highest point in the city (so it has an amazing view).  It is also where a lot of artists, such as Renoir and Picasso, spent much of their time at the end of the 19th and the beginnig of the 20th century. We walked to the top of the hill to see Sacre Coeur, then expolored the quartier on our own a little bit.

For those of you who have seen Amelie, this is the cafe where she waitressed. 

Moulin Rouge

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